Sunday, February 24, 2013

Dreamt of you

I dreamt about her again last night. I think at the time it's me but maybe not. Kinda fuzzy but she was doing something in her 3rd story apt, starting the day I suppose. A little dog went out on the fire escape that had been made into a yard by her having planted grass in dirt on ply board out there. There was no ladder anyway, it looked non functional. She was running about inside doing common things, tidying up, refilling the dog's food dish, and such. Then she called the little dog back in and went down stairs, banging on the door to the 2nd floor and shouting Wake-y, wake-y! as she passed. When she reached the street level door she turn right and unlocked the glass door there. She flipped on the lights, adjusted the heat, turned on the music, and put on a barista apron. She went about starting up the coffee and espresso makers up, then went into the back and started making muffins and heating chocolate to coat some biscotti's. I woke up. I wondered how the rest of her day went but I guess I'll never know. I dressed in her clothes, hoping, but no more than what I'd already seen of her day has come to me. I wonder where this place was and how I find it to visit.